At SOLEA, we offer a variety of classes both live-online and offline, designed to help you integrate these practices into your daily routine. Our classes aim to make wellness accessible and sustainable, allowing you to take what you learn back home. We collaborate with therapists from different disciplines, bringing a well-rounded approach to each session.
Discover our classes
Baby Massage in Collaboration with ITM Thai Hand | AMSTERDAM
Join our Baby Massage Course, a gentle and nurturing experience designed to strengthen the bond between you and your little one. In this course, you’ll learn simple, soothing massage techniques that can help relieve common discomforts like colic and gas, improve sleep, and support your baby’s healthy development. Our certified instructor will guide you through each step, sharing techniques that are safe, calming, and easy to incorporate into your daily routine. Baby massage is not only beneficial for your baby’s physical well-being but also helps promote emotional security and connection. Whether you’re a new parent or looking to deepen your caregiving skills, this course provides a peaceful, supportive environment to connect with your baby and other parents. This class is given in collaboration with ITM Thai Hand Amsterdam, a massage center in Amsterdam with more than 20 years of experience.
Discover more or enroll
Thai Yoga Massage Lifestyle Class | ONLINE | EN
Join our Nuad Thai Massage Class and discover the benefits of effective, affordable massage therapy in a relaxed, welcoming environment. In this 1-hour session, you’ll enjoy a balanced experience of giving and receiving—spending 30 minutes practicing and 30 minutes relaxing as a recipient. Designed for all levels, this class requires no prior experience, making it perfect for beginners and experienced practitioners alike.
Nuad Thai Massage is a unique blend of acupressure, stretching, and mindful movement, rooted in ancient healing traditions. You’ll learn foundational techniques that promote relaxation, enhance flexibility, and release tension, helping you experience the calming, rejuvenating effects of this traditional practice. Join us to connect, relax, and feel revitalized with the art of Nuad Thai Massage!
To enjoy this class you need a partner (30 minutes you will give and 30 receive a massage), a yoga mat and a blanket. The massage is given on the floor and both participants stay fully cloths the whole time, no use of oil is needed).
10 euro/trail per two persons
90 euro/monthly once a week per two persons
Classe di Massaggio Thai Yoga | ONLINE | IT
Partecipa alla nostra classe di Nuad Thai Massage e scopri i benefici di una terapia di massaggio efficace. In questa sessione di un'ora, vivrai un'esperienza bilanciata di dare e ricevere: trascorrerai 30 minuti praticando e 30 minuti ricevendo una sessione di Massaggio tradizionale Thai. Progettata per tutti i livelli, questa classe non richiede alcuna esperienza precedente, rendendola perfetta sia per principianti sia per praticanti esperti.
Il Nuad Thai Massage è una combinazione unica di digitopressione, stretching e movimento consapevole, radicata nelle antiche tradizioni di guarigione. Imparerai tecniche fondamentali che promuovono il rilassamento, aumentano la flessibilità e rilasciano le tensioni, permettendoti di sperimentare gli effetti calmanti e rigeneranti di questa pratica tradizionale. Unisciti a noi per connetterti, rilassarti e ritrovare energia con l'arte del Nuad Thai Massage!
Per seguire questa classe è necessario un partner (30 minuti per dare e 30 per ricevere il massaggio), un tappetino da yoga e una coperta. Il massaggio viene eseguito a terra, e entrambi i partecipanti restano completamente vestiti per tutta la durata della sessione, senza uso di oli.
25 euro/prova per due persone
90 euro/mese, una volta a settimana per due persone
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